Production of Beverage Alcohol Products

Richard Gahagan winery compliance consultant distillery compliance consulant

Producers of distilled spirits, wine and malt beverages are required to file an application and bond with the Federal Alcohol and Tobacco tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) before starting business. Furthermore, persons desiring to produce beverage and non-beverage alcohol products must also submit environmental information to TTB.

Most States also require licenses, registrations and/or bonds from beverage alcohol producers. The requirements of the various State and local authorities must also be met. Interested individuals can contact the various State Beverage Alcohol Control authorities by using links available on this site.


Wholesalers and "Custom Crushers"

Richard Gahagan winery compliance consultant

Every person desiring to purchase distilled spirits, wine or malt beverages at wholesale must obtain a basic permit as a wholesaler dealer from the Federal Alcohol and Tobacco tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) before starting business.

Individuals who enter into agreements with wineries to have their grapes processed into wine (custom crushers) must also qualify as wholesale dealers with TTB.

State requirements must also be met. Interested individuals can contact the various State Beverage Alcohol Control authorities by using links available on this site.


Labels and Formulas


Richard Gahagan winery compliance consultant

Each label on wines of 7 percent or more alcohol by volume, all distilled spirits and all malt beverages must have a Certificate of Label Approval (COLA) (ATF F5100.31) approved by TTB. This applies to both domestic as well as imported products. TTB regulations require certain mandatory information appear on each label and that labels do not contain any "prohibited statements." Distinctive bottles used to package distilled spirits products must also be approved by TTB before use. Application for approval of distinctive liquor bottles are made on COLA Forms F5100.31.

Importers and bottlers must also comply with State requirements. Interested individuals can contact the various State Beverage Alcohol Control authorities by using links available on this site.


Richard Gahagan winery compliance consultant

Distilled spirits and wines containing certified or non-certified colors or flavors are required to be produced with a formula approved by TTB. Malt beverages containing certified or non-certified colors or flavors are required to be produced with a statement of process approved by TTB. Also, some sparkling wines and wine products made from agricultural products other than fruit or made with sugar and/or water in excess of the limitations for standard wine must also be produced under an TTB approved formula.


Copyright © 2002 by: Richard M. Gahagan Richard Gahagan Beverage Alcohol Consultant winery compliance distillery compliance